IT service providers Logistics software

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We are the hub of professionalism. We are glad to have you here! PLOPHRIT Inc offers the following services:

  • Logistics Services
  • Procurement Services
  • HR Services
  • Financial Services
  • IT Services
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Our Services

Customized services for maximum efficiency

Working Process

How we work for our customers


Our discovery offer is a trend and true method for reducing risks, estimating and cutting costs, and developing a dependable roadmap to achieve great business results. During our discovery phase, our responsible concerns are directed to researches that collect and analyze all information to provide unique services. At this stage, we determine whether our products and solution concepts are viable, feasible, and usable.


Our organization deals with designing various courses of action to achieve them and selecting the most practicable alternative from the various alternatives in planning. It also addresses the process of setting goals and developing a plan of action to achieve them. Setting objectives and determining the best course of action in advance is what planning entails. Time is an important factor in planning.


We collaborate with supply chain planning to determine production capacity and a production plan to meet requirements in day-to-day decisions, which are frequently shaped by exceptions and disruptions to the delicate balance of supply and demand. Our primary goal is to make the best use of all available supply chain assets, control costs at every stage, and deliver items to customers on time and according to specifications. To accomplish this, we track plan implementation and the movement of goods throughout the supply chain, including the ability to quickly identify bottlenecks or other problems in order to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring fast and accurate order fulfilment.


There is a responsible concern in our organisation who manages, oversees, and improves our software operations framework and delivery platforms. Our service delivery is carried out in such a way that a corporation provides users with access to all services. When it comes to the delivery standards of our products and software services, we never let our clients down. We conduct two separate surveys: One with customers who receive our products and software services regularly, asking them what makes a great delivery experience. Another goal is to determine how a poor customer experience affects the operations of our products and software services, as well as online orders.

IT infrastructure services

Our Solutions

How do we manage
IT services for your industry

  • IT consulting

    Receive Custom Plan

    We recommend creating a custom plan that takes into account your specific needs and requirements.

  • ITIL and IT service management

    Deliver expected project

    We deliver the expected project by efficiently and effectively executing the custom plan while continuously monitoring and adjusting as needed.

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Leading the way to success with our visionary CEOs

Risk management

James Torlon

Global operations and legal affairs.
Logistics services pricing

Vincent Chirilele

Logistics and procurement services.
Financial performance management

Shepherd Makundweyi

Financial services.
Human resource management software

Daniel Pferedzal

Human resource and IT services.

Our Partners